Recap on WDYC Sailing Week 1:
- Beginner Opti classes worked on parts of the boat and learned that the right side of the boat is the starboard and the left side is the port side. They went out sailing and played follow the leader to practice their steering and tacking.
- Intermediate Opti worked on rigging/de-rigging and learned the importance of being responsible for their new boats. They also practiced tiller switches on land. Each sailor went out sailing off the dock with an instructor to help them steer through the mooring field.
- Beginner 420 went out for their first sail on Wednesday. Instructors Chris and Mike did demonstrations off of the dock to show them how to move about in the 420. Each student had the opportunity to sail with an instructor.
- The Intermediate 420 class went out to the ocean on Thursday! They worked on keeping control in heavy wind by using the mainsheet to adjust their sail. They also learned what the responsibility of the crew/skipper is while out on the water.
- The Cruising class sailed around Rock Island on Thursday. They worked on downwind sailing and weight placement in the boat.
- The 420 Race Teams worked on heavy wind wire to wire tacks as well as roll gybes and mark roundings.
- The Opti Race Teams worked on triangle courses and upwind sailing in heavy breeze. They also worked on weight placement in the boat.