Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Newest WDYC Sailing Song

The Intro to Race Team and Opti Race Team's combined their talent this afternoon to write a sailing song based on "Call Me Maybe"

Here's My Sail Number, Protest Me Maybe

I crossed the line on port
No way I could abort
I looked at you as I fouled
Because your in my way.

I trade my soul for a wish
Pennies and dimes for some WIND
I wasn't looking for this
But now your in my way.

Your stare was holding
Sail was luffing, said I was bluffing
Hot day wind was blowing
Where you think your going, sailor

Hey, I just hit you and this is crazy
Here's my sail number, protest me maybe.
It's hard to sail right, with you crazies
Here's my sail number, protest me maybe.

And all the other sailors try to beat me,
Here's my sail number, protest me maybe.