Thursday morning of the Edgartown Regatta started off well as the team cranked down on their rigs anticipating the windy weather conditions. With a 10-15 knot breeze, races flew by band. The race committee was able to fit in six races before the day was over. The team put in some high top 20 finishes in the first day starting the regatta off on a good note. Friday was similar weather conditions to Thursday. By early afternoon, Chris and Laura even placed twice in the top ten as the day came to a close. The team as a whole was moving up in the standings and becoming more comfortable in the racing conditions. Saturday morning started off slow with a postponement by the race committee. There was lots of swimming being done by the entire 420 line. The wind finally filled by 11:00am and we were able to get the final two races in before the regatta came to a close. The last race was one of the most challenging on account of the light breeze and the extended length. The team quickly de-rigged and loaded their boats on the trailer on Chappy and made their way over to awards where they cheered on their competitors. The regatta had a total of 14 races, the most by far the regatta has seen in years, this was all to do with the perfect racing conditions and the ability of the registered sailors.
Nice job 420-A!